Terms of Service

Terms of Use for True North Capital

The following terms of use apply to your use of the True North Capital website:

  1. BINDING EFFECT: By using the True North Capital website located at https://truenorthcpitl.com/, you agree to abide by the Terms of Use outlined in this agreement, which is binding between you and the company.
  2. PRIVACY POLICY: Your privacy is important to us. By using the site, you agree to our privacy policy, which can be found here.
  3. GOVERNING LAW: These Terms of Use are governed by the laws of California and the United States. The site is intended for use by individuals in the United States.
  4. MINIMUM AGE: You must be at least 18 years old to access the site and agree to these terms.
  5. EBOOK SIGNUPS AND MAILINGS: You may choose to receive a free eBook from us, which also includes agreeing to receive commercial email communications.
  6. EMAIL COMMUNICATIONS: By contacting us, you consent to receiving email responses from us, which may include commercial content.
  7. USE OF SOFTWARE: Any software downloaded from the site is licensed for personal, noncommercial use only.
  8. USER CONTENT: By posting content on the site, you grant us a license to use that content in connection with our business operations.
  9. COMPLIANCE WITH INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY LAWS: You agree to respect the intellectual property rights of others when using the site.
  10. INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT: You agree not to upload or distribute content that is unlawful or inappropriate.

We hereby disclaim all warranties and limit our liability to the maximum extent permitted by law.